Anglian Section Notes April 2018

At our February meeting we enjoyed another visit from Rod Kirkby, who gave us a further aviation inspired presentation. This time it was about birds and flight, and how, in many instances, aircraft design and flying technique were borrowed from the feathered variety. We read about moped theft occurring on a widespread basis in London, and of the heavy sentences (fortunately) being handed out by the courts to the offenders. We mustn't think this is purely a problem related to “The Smoke”, as some of our Anglian section members found to their cost, when three of them lost a total of nine classic and vintage bikes to thieving scum, in a single rural break-in last autumn. Our old bikes are vulnerable to these vermin and we mustn't forget to take appropriate security measures. At the April club night Mel Vinton will give a talk entitled “The World’s Most Beautiful Motorcycle.”