Anglian Section Notes August 2019

The 2019 “Jolly Boys Outing” for the Anglian section consisted of a weekend trip to East Kent. Our leader was Roger Murray’s son, Andrew, who led us on a delightful trip around the lanes of the Garden of England. Amongst the highlights that Andrew took us to were the 500 strong herd of Jersey cows that he looks after as his day job, and a visit to the Deal lifeboat station where he is a volunteer member of the RNLI. The only mechanical problems that our riders encountered where three punctures, two were fixed, the other not, plus a suspected faulty magneto on Drew Down’s Ariel Fieldmaster. I couldn’t resist going for a ride in the July 100F temperatures (100F sounds better than 37.7C). It was like riding into a giant oven set on “max”. Not an altogether pleasant experience, and, hopefully, not one that will present itself too often.